embrace the journey.

This is an invitation to be in a sacred and intimate relationship with grief, dying, and death and embrace the mystery of life. 

i accept the invitation. I'm ready to enroll

apprenticeship with death

An immersive End of Life Doula Training

An Apprenticeship With Death means you are cultivating inner and outer environments that allow for exploration, reflection, and creativity.  When you do this, you create a space where true growth can occur and discover new depths of understanding and meaning for life and death.  You tend to a natural unfolding of the processes of what it is to be human. 

This apprenticeship is an invitation to open a portal of deep thinking, discernment, and unique experience that cannot be fully taught or explained through intellect alone.  This is a heart-opening embodiment experience for you to learn something for real.  In your bones, your cells, and your energetic field.  When you become an Apprentice with Death, you are living in sacred c0-creation, artistic leadership, and divine prayer.