What’s Your Sacred Deathcare Archetype?
Sacred Deathcare is a holistic approach to dying, death, and grief that emphasizes the spiritual, emotional, physical, and social aspects. It asks us to be more compassionate and curious about death so that we can create a meaningful and dignified experience for the dying person, their loved ones, and their systems of support.
Take a few minutes wit the What’s Your Sacred Deathcare Archetype quiz to gain insight into your personality and see how you can bring more meaning, comfort and support to dying, death, and grief.
After you take the quiz, you will land directly on your results page!

how do you lead with love?
Discover your prominant archetype with this fun and insightful quiz.

spirit walker

Radiant Enchanter

Vessel Tender

Insightful Sage
We want to see and celebrate your results!
Tag us @consciouslivingconsciousdying and use the hashtags #SacredDeathcareArchetype & #DeathcareArchetypeQuiz
This isn’t a test, but a supportive tool. Trust your instincts as you respond to the questions. Most of all, have fun!
Remember, no one knows you better than you.